Thursday, October 17, 2019

Puzzler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Puzzler - Essay Example on is: why would superior beings inform people of a forthcoming catastrophe without providing instructions on how to survive and not taking care of mastering human communication in order to ensure people understand the prophecy clearly and avoid it? If we remember the famous prophecies, e.g. those of Nostradamus, Vanga and others, as often as not they are ciphered. When it comes to prophecies, it is absolutely clear that if people do not understand the cipher, they cannot possibly prevent any mishap. Prophecies of Nostradamus are only being deciphered after the event actually happens. In one of her prophecies the blind Bulgarian prophet Vanga predicted in 1980 the death of the Russian submarine â€Å"Kursk† – the namesake of a Russian town. When she said â€Å"Kursk will be drowned† nobody could even imagine what it was all about because the town is situated very far from the sea. However, when the submarine had drowned, everyone was shocked at how the prophecy actually came true. They also say Vanga had metaphorically spoken about September 11 terrorist attacks in the USA; and again nothing could possibly have been done to prevent them as the message from the superior beings was ciphered: she said somethin g about â€Å"big iron birds† that would â€Å"kill the American brothers†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ There is a question: why don’t the prophets (who are supposed to act on behalf of superior beings yet have their ways to communicate their messages to people) make themselves clear enough to the public so that to enable them to prevent the catastrophe? Why use this cipher? However, if we ask them, many prophets would answer that they themselves do not know exactly what they are talking about, as they are not speaking from themselves but are just rendering the information sent to them from â€Å"somewhere†. This is the effect similar to â€Å"channeling† – but with a supposedly negative outcome of the events predicted. So again we come to the point where there is a certain superior

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